Umbrella Walk

This successful fundraising event has always enjoyed huge participation from both private and corporate citizens and we are counting on an even larger turn out this year.  This September 26, 2010 we have planned a day chock-full of fun, entertainment and fellowship.  We even have food, prizes and surprises for everybody.  Each registrant will receive an “official umbrella”.  In Winnipeg we have three routes through beautiful Assinaboine Park.  Registrants can walk a 1.5 kilometer, 3 kilometer, or a 5 kilometer route.  In Dauphin, our Walk is through the scenic Vermillion Park.  Registrants will gather at the Picnic Shelter to register at 1:30pm before heading off on their route.  Walk will start at 2pm.

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 For more information and registration packages you can call 975-3272 or email

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